There is nothing better than walking through a department store, wandering around with no specific purpose in mind! I honestly get a small high just from being there. I love, love, love the shoe department! It doesn't matter if I am in a hurry, feeling tired or even have no extra money to spend, I inevitably end up surrounded by shoes and harried sales people salivating over themselves trying to meet my every whim.
I am particularly partial to high heels, I don't know what it is about them, but I can never get enough. The shoes shown above are just one of my favorites! Though I love heels, I save them mainly for Sundays, do to the fact that I am on my feet most of the day at work. I call my heels my three hour shoes! That is because that is about how long I last in them. I suppose I am willing to suffer minimally for fashion, (I would never make it in New York). I envy those women who can wear them everywhere without complaint.
Hmm...I think that I will have to go visit some more shoes this weekend.
As Kylie says "A Girl's Gotta Suffer for Fashion......" I really don't understand women and their obsession for shoes. I've worn the same pair of boots for 2 weeks straight before...and I'm okay with that. But if it makes you happy.............
That would soooo never happen in my world! That is why I have such a difficult time with traveling with one piece of luggage.
i almost have to side with jeff on this one--i'm one of those few girls who can wear the same pair of birkenstocks or crocs everyday for months. i'm all about the comfort. however, i love seeing other people's shoes (including the pair you show) and think, "wow, those are really cute". i couldn't even tell you the last time i even wore a pair of high-heeled shoes, in fact i'm not sure if i even have any in my closet now. but you are right on when you can go into a shoe store and try them on for fun. yes, i'm a complex woman. :)
Sorry. But the closest I can come to understanding this shoe thing is thinking of myself in Akihabara, techno-lust coursing through my veins, surrounded by millions of gadgets just waiting to be purchased and played with. Sigh. I miss Japan.
Are you sure this heels thing isn't just about feeling short? (Not that I'm saying you're short...)
I admit I am vertically challenged...though, I love high heels because they make me feel sassy when I am wearing them.
Yeah, the whole gadgets thing leaves me feeling....confused.
the whole gadget thing...ahhhh the sweet feeling of techno-lust--what a rush!
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