So I spent the bulk of my day in a photography class taught by Robert Stahl, a professional photographer. His work has been featured in National Geographic as well as other magazines that I cannot seem to remember right now. I just about fell off of my chair when he mentioned that Ansel Adams had shown him how to photograph trees. (If you do not know who Ansel Adams is I would suggest you google his work, it is pretty spectacular)
Anyways, I learned a lot about lighting and texture and different ways to look at a subject you are going to photograph. The class went from 9-4 but I ducked out after lunch. It was an interesting class and it inspired me to run over to the Bellevue Botanical Gardens to try out some of the things that I had learned. The above pictures are some of the many that I took in the hour that I was there.
I am finding that I really enjoy taking pictures, (I prefer nature vs people). It is fun and creative.... right up my alley.
great pictures...it sounds like that class was worth going to. it was fun talking to you yesterday--thanks for letting me talk your ear off.
It was good talking to you too. Hope tomorrow goes well.
Wow. So professional. Maybe you should quite your job and take pics for a living. Something to think about.
Don't tease...
The photos are beautiful. You have a great eye!
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