I am currently waiting for Madonna tickets to go on sale so that I can snatch them up. Jeff was given the task of going on line this morning to purchase tickets early through the fan club. Now, I am not one to join fan clubs, but did so for the express purpose of being able to get tickets early. I was sooooo excited to get the tickets that I must have called Jeff ten times to ensure he new what to do, where to go, how much to spend, etc. (thankfully he is VERY patient with me) You have to understand, I have been a Madonna fan ever since Lucky Star. My friends and I even did a lip sinc and dance to "Dress you up". She is one of the few people that I would like to see in concert at least once in my lifetime.
Needless to say, I waited anxiously when the clock struck 10am for the call that would say, "the tickets are ours"! I could barely focus on my work, resisting the urge to call yet again to see if he was successful. About 20min after ten Jeff called with the news....he couldn't get the tickets, apparently the fan club level I signed up for wasn't high enough, so we have to wait until Saturday morning when EVERYBODY else gets to get tickets too. So not fair! Now I get to go through the stress and nerves and excitement of battling it out amongst other concert goers on ticket master for the best seats in the house. I really don't care where we sit just as long as we get to go.
So until then I will be waiting anxiously for Saturday, 10am sharp!
What's Happening
9 years ago
Relax. No need to get your torpedo bra corset in a bunch. I'm sure we will be able to get them. And if not you'll just have to watch it on DVD instead.
Oh my god I can't take the anticipation even thinking about it!
I hate having to fight for something I want so bad!!!
See...you feel my pain!
I am saving the bra for the show. I have already dusted it off and waiting ever so patiently for the show.
How pathetic would that be sitting in my living room watching the dvd with my torpedo bra and lace gloves on.
"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait, and watch, and work, you don't give up."
---Anne Lamott
Although its just Madonna go to bed already take a nap or wish on a lucky star ah like a virgin or somthing like that. You know though her carbon imprint is ruining the world, What ever happen to "we are the world". "Farm aid oh wait that might be Michael Jackson" Life is like a prayer. Darn looks like rain yes i fell it on my finger tips. I think you should just read one of her childrens books there just as disturbing as her music. By the Way My wife said She would love to go. So when is this again? I must go practice my Vogue and polish my cones.
I got the tickets! SWEET!
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