This morning I am preparing to leave for a week long cruise to Alaska with my family. Being that I am single and my grandmother is a widow, we will be rooming together. I am sure that I will have lots of funny stories to tell and pictures to show when I get back. We are leaving from Seattle, (which is nice and convenient) and are going to stop in Skagway, Juneau, Ketchikan and Victoria, B.C.. Not necessarily in that order. My only HAVE to do, is the Mendenhall Glacier. I already have an excursion set to go check it out.
Well, my suitcase is packed and I am ready to back in a week, until then, wish me luck!
What's Happening
9 years ago
Does this mean you are not taking your laptop with you and blogging along the way? You should. It could be interesting.
But if you don't...thanks okay. Have a fun trip. you will love Alaska.
I did that same cruise two years ago and LOVED it !!!!
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