Jill at Jilliciousdiscoveries@blogspot.com challenged her readers to list ten things that we are grateful for, so I thought that I would share. These are not necessarily in order.
1. My family
2. Jeff-He is really good at letting me be me.
3. My friends
4. My job and co-workers
5. My education-currently in a masters program that I am loving.
6. Living in Washington
7. Church
8. Opportunities that have been recently presented to me.
9. Laughter
10.Facebook :)
So there you have it, just a few of the things that I am thankful for. Thanks Jill for the inspiration.
What's Happening
9 years ago
I'm so glad I could inspire someone! Great list--I hope things are going well with you. I've been such a slacker about keeping in touch. :)
So have I. Things are good, I hope all is well with you too.
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