Last weekend I took advantage of some free time that I had and headed to the Oregon Coast. I met up with my mom and a family friend at Lincoln City where we shopped at the outlet mall and enjoyed all that the beach has to offer. It was a balmy 60 degrees on Saturday, not bad for the ocean. After relaxing for a few hours I left Sue and my mom and headed to King something to spend a couple of days with my friend Jill.
I got to Jill's house at about 6:30pm where I got a quick tour (the gardens by the way our so cool) then we headed off to Corvallis for dinner and a movie. We went to see the new Traveling Pants of the Sisterhood, or something like that. It was a cute movie, definitely a chic flick.
The next day I got to go to church with Jill and her mom. I always have fun going to other wards,(I don't really know why). Everyone was so nice and it was refreshing to see that you truly can go anywhere and find the same personalities as you have in your own ward.
Later that day I watched Jill create an AMAZINGLY YUMMY chocolate cake! Jill possesses a talent that I only aspire to have. Case in point, my family bought me clear lids for my pots one year as a joke, so that I could see when I am burning something.(Such support) Jill's friend had a birthday party that evening which Jill made sure that I was invited to, since she was bringing the cake and all. This family has the coolest house! It was straight out of a Swiss Family Robinson movie. They live in a log cabin and have a rope swing, great decks that are surrouned by a lot of trees to run around in and climb.
Sadly, the weekend came and went too quickly. Jill and her mom made me feel so welcome. It was difficult for me to get back in the car knowing that a 4 1/2hr drive was ahead of me. It was such a relaxing weekend (which gets lost in the hubbub of daily life all to quickly)Thanks again to Jill, her mom, my mom and Sue for making it well worth the long drive.
What's Happening
9 years ago
The important question is: Did you bring home treats from the Kitchen of Jill? Sounds like you had a lovely time.
Of course I brought home my tummy.
That, however, does nothing for me. AND it's all about ME.
Oops, I forgot.
it was a fun weekend and i'm glad you come down for a couple of days. how was your drive back to seattle?
The drive home went really well. The directions you gave me were perfect. I loved the scenery, it was so much better than driving I5.
I just listened to good music all the way home.
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