This weekend I jetted off to San Francisco with my friend Lucy. She had to go down for work so I thought I would tag along for a few days. Going to California always proves to be a slightly stressful experience. Family, family, and more family. I wanted to keep my visit on the dl as I didn't think that it would be fair to Lucy to drag her all over northern California visiting with people she doesn't know (as nice as they are).
The weekend was so much fun! We ate good food at restaurants filled with character. Most notably was Sears restaurant which made mini pancakes. Thankfully we were staying at a hotel in the heart of downtown San Francisco so we were within walking distance of everything...including Nordstroms. Oh, yes, we caught the anniversary sale early Saturday morning. I felt like pretty woman in the shopping scene with the salesman catering to our every whim. We both left with three pairs of shoes, and big smiles on our faces.
After recouperating back at the hotel for a about an hour we headed out for some window shopping in Berkely. We grabbed lunch at a deli and took it up to the Oakland temple to eat. It was so peaceful up there. The last time that I was at this temple I was nine and my brothers and I were sealed to my parents. I remembered things so vivdly and it was nice to go back as an adult.
Later that evening Lucy and I caught a movie in Emeryville then had a late dinner at CPK.
Sunday we met my aunt and uncle at Cap's Corner for an early lunch then headed next door to see "Beach Blanket Babylon". The premise of the musical is Snow White going around the world in search of her handsome prince. It is set for modern times and is adapted to allow for current affairs to be included in the story line. Snow White ran into Prince, Hillary and Bill Clinton as well as Obama and Paris Hilton. My cheeks hurt a lot from all of the laughing. The wigs they created were AMAZING! One woman had the whole city of San Francisco on her head, which had a trolley car moving up one of the hills. Another "hat" that Snow White wore had a house that had all seven of the dwarfs in it singing along with the other characters.
The day ended with a short walk around downtown and dinner at a thai restaurant we found in a questionable area.
Monday came too quickly and while Lucy headed off to her class I headed back to the airport where I was hoping to catch the 11:30am flight back to Seattle. I have never flown stand by before so I was feeling a little out of my element. Luckily I had Jeff on speed dial and he helped me figure out what to do. Lucy also kept tabs on me through texting and checked on me during her breaks. I ended up hanging out at the airport until 3 that afternoon, and have never been more thankful to have a midle seat. The wait wasn't bad, I was just starting to wonder if I was going to get on a flt. The benefit of waiting around since 9am was that my luggage had arrived in Seattle hours before I did, so when I finally got there I didn't have to wait for it. I just walked up to an agent in the baggage area and she turned aroung and handed me my luggage. I was on the road within 30 minutes of landing and home in an hour.
Ahhhh....good times!
What's Happening
9 years ago
Wow. Sounds like you had a good time. I haven't been to SFO in ages. I need to go one of these days. Isn't stand-by travel fun?! Welcome to my world.
Yeah, good times. I'm thinking this... we need to plan a trip somewhere neither of us has been but both want to go and get together there. Long sentence I know but wouldn't that be great. Miss ya and hope you have an awesome birthday!
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