It has been a while since I have written a blog. In my mind I have tons of ideas of, what I think would be interesting things to write about, I'm just too tired. The last month has been full of changes both good and bad. The bad things have been, obviously the accident (which turned out okay) and having my friend and boss at work quit. I have blogged about these previously but since then I have been given more responsibility at work which did not come in the form of a promotion(not yet anyway). I did not get the office manager job which is a blessing in disguise. Our new office manager is really great and will be able to take the office to places that I could not have dreamed of. She is delegating a lot of things to me which has translated to many more hours at the office, often on my days off. Due to the excessive amount of computer use during the day I am finding that the last thing I want to do when I get home is get on another computer. I am doing this all while starting a new quarter at school, taking three classes. I am also starting a new "healthy eating plan" and getting over a cold. Waaa, waaa, waa! :)
I feel like I am complaining but really, truly, I like life when it is busy, I am just not as spunky as I used to be.
What's Happening
9 years ago